Words of up to eight letters beginning with x
xanthan - a polysaccharidexanthate - a chemical compound
xanthene - a chemical compound
Xanthian - from Xanthus
xanthic - yellowish
xanthin - a yellow colouring matter
xanthine - a biochemical compound
xanthoma - a yellow patch on the skin
xebec - a sailing ship
xeme - a fork-tailed gull
xenia - gifts to a guest or guests
xenial - relating to hospitality
xenogamy - type of flower fertilization
xenolith - piece of rock brought in from another area
xenology - the study of alien biology
xenon - a gaseous chemical element
xenotime - a yellowish-brown mineral
xeric very - dry
xeroma - abnormal dryness of a body part
xerox - to photocopy
Xhosa - a South African people or their language
xi - a Greek letter
Xiang - a dialect of Chinese
xiphoid - sword-shaped
Xmas - Christmas
xoanon - a wooden image of a god
xography - a photographic process
xu - a Vietnamese unit of money
xylan - a compound found in wood
xylary - of or relating to xylem
xylem - plant tissue
xylene - a liquid hydrocarbon
xylite - a volatile liquid
xylitol - a chemical substance
xylol - xylene
xylose - a plant sugar
xyrid - a sedge-like herb
xyster - a surgical instrument
xyston - an ancient Greek spear
xystus - an ancient Greek portico
Words of up to eight letters beginning with x
Reviewed by master all
January 11, 2018

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